Monday, October 11, 2010

Hello Week!

We had a wonderful weekend, despite my 3 sick boys! Saturday morning we got to sleep in, which consists of the boys getting in bed with us watching cartoons until someone gets antsy. Usually "snuggle" time last about 30 minutes, which is pretty good considering. I got up and made breakfast while the dudes mastered a "car road" around our island. I love being able to drink coffee, eat breakfast, and play with my boys not caring about what time it is. We decided to get dressed and headed to the gym as a family. Saturday was a day to catch up on each other and play. Then Sunday we went over to our friends house for fondue and drank way too much wine. (We actually realized at 10p that the dads had disappeared) They finally showed up after their "walk". It was a long night. Didnt get boys in bed until 1130. Then because we didnt get enough of them they joined us for a long breakfast! (Boys were hurting) We also managed to get in a few evening family walks. Just love our family walks!
My friend and I have decided to train together for our marathons. She has a race end of Nov so she is a little a head of me in her training. We still manage to run once a week together. We try to run 14 miles in under 90 minutes. She does a good job keeping my butt in shape. My goal is to run my marathon in under 3 hours. And then I have promised Brendan if I succeed I will consider putting my running shoes away until my broken feet have healed. I've been really depressed lately because I am finally to where I want to be in my training and my feet just don't agree. I start an intense physical therapy session this wed. for 3 weeks. Then if no luck I start my cortisone shots. YUCK! I just want to run one more marathon!!!!
I also got Drew out of diapers I think for good this weekend. He has not had an accident since Saturday am, and I think we only had an accident on sat bc he was sicky. Its bittersweet bc it just shows me my babies are growing up! I also gave all of my boy clothes away. So we are DONE! :(
Brady and Brendan seem to be feeling better, but poor Drew is just starting this nasty cold.
We have one more round of testing for Brady this week at Children's and then we are done until Jan. He is excited although he has made friends with all the ladies at the front desk and he loves to charm them!
I am enjoying my alone time with Drew while Brady is in school. Brady is still not so sure about this whole school thing. When we go to get Brady, Drew always whines because he wants me to drop him off. I wish they had room for Drew right now. I think come Jan. if there still isnt room for Drew I will put him in the 1X Week class just so he feels like he is getting a fair shot...
I hope everyone has a great week!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The First!

Oh gosh, I started! So many things have been going on lately I almost feel lost. The boys are growing up faster than I ever imagined. Brady will be 4 at the end of October and Drew just turned 2.
Back in Jan we started Brady at the local Montessori School 5 days a week. We were nervous about 5 days, but thats what Montessori believes helps children adapt to change. Well, needless to say at the end of our 5th week both Brendan and I had had enough of the crying, throwing up and bloody noses. Bradys teacher actually approached me first and recommended we pull him out. So thats what I did, that day! At that point I tagged on to friends who homeschool and we began that journey. So far so good. We are extremely pleased with Brady's development. He is becoming much more sociable and confident. However, we still struggle with his speech. Public schools hate parents like me, unfortunately. It just doesn't seem right to me. I have a child with special needs who requires therapy and because I do not have him enrolled in their public schools they fight me on everything. Fortunately though I have an amazing parent advocate and wonderful support through local friends. It's amazing to me how many other families are in similar situations. Very sad though because it's the children who loose. So I have decided to reach out and help other parents find and get the resources they need for their children. I was all alone for Brady's first IEP (Brendan was deployed). It was awful. I cried a lot and I don't want other parents to go through what I did. Once you who know who to contact and how their "system" works its not that scary. So, I am helping my first family this week. It's funny because they are going through the same maze that I did. I actually ran into a mom last night at the park who approached me crying over what the Special Ed department was telling her. Its so frustrating. Oh well, we learn, and then help others!
Today we decided, with Brady's help that we were going to try "school" again. We decided not to do MOntessori only because 5 days is too much for him. He will start at a local Baptist church here in O'Fallon. I also don't think that Homeschooling is for us (nor do I believe I am cut out enough to take on that challenge) but if it's what we need to do then I am prepared to do what is necessary. Brady will start next Tuesday, and go 2 days a week. School is 9:30a-1:30p so it will be a long day for him. He is nervous, but excited because he has friends at this school. I am also trying to get Drew enrolled, but right now they only have a 1 day a week program open for 2's. Deciding to put Brady back in school was hard, but now that we have made the decision we feel really good about it. I only hope Drew isn't mad at me. He's the one who keeps asking to go to school! So keep your fingers crossed for us.
Today while I was working on language with Brady, Drew was playing with the plastic letters. Drew must have been down on the ground for 30 minutes by himself. Finally I looked down and asked Drew what he was working on. He told me "busy momma!" So I said "ok Drew, you finish your work and then we will go outside for a break." He didn't respond, which is typical of Drew. Once he is busy he is busy and he does not like to be interrupted! Well Brady finished, got down and said "hey momma, Drew spelled his name!" Sure enough there was "DREW" spelled out on the floor. Although the "W" was an upside down "M" Well shoot dang Drew! Its crazy how much he retains from what Brady is working on. Drew has an amazing memory and a stubborn level of patients. He really is ready for more of a challenge. The challenge for me at home has been Brady's level of confidence. Brady does not like seeing Drew work on what he is working on. Brady always tells me to let Drew "color". So for now Brady will start school and I will be able to challenge Drew more at home.
These dudes are crazy but I love them so much. I will miss Brady while he is at school but I have to keep reminding myself that it is only 2 days a week! So, I need to get over it!!!
In the mean time we have a few more activities planned before fall is over and our trip to cali. Brady has decided that he wants to be a firefighter, and Drew I think Tigger, but thats still debatable. The boys are so excited because they will be able to go trick-or-treating with their nini and papi in cali! We are loving having Brendan home right now. Hopefully he will be home until he leaves again Oct 30th for 6 weeks. The boys really need him, and I do too. It's fun being "married".